Lumière d'Amour


  • healing quantum water

    1. 3 janvier 2015 - Facebook via le groupe Soins de tranformation et de guérison 

     Eau quantiqueoki

    Good evening
    I propose you to receive healing quantum water
    * Take a glass of water between your hands
    * think of your problem, your theme, if any (my back pain, my health problems, my general condition, my lack of vitality ..)
    * then said the sentence below (the water will be instantly charged)
    "I now receive healing quantum water, adapted to my case (or my problem, or my energies), which is offered by Sev de Lumière for my greater goodness."
    Then you can drink.
    You can also do this with a cup of tea, herbal tea, a bottle of water ... do not heat the water after .. for a tea say the phrase just at the time of drinking
    You can in addition to quantum care use this water, which will be a good complement. :-)
    * ******
    You can do this with your children, if they agree. For those who can read, they will say the sentence themselves.
    For the little ones, hold the glass for your child ...... here is the sentence.
    "I now receive healing quantum water, adapted to the case of my son or daughter ______ (add his name), which is offered by Sev de Lumière for his/her greatest goodness."
    For your pets
    Take a bowl of water in your hands ...
    "I now receive healing quantum water, adapted to the case of my dog, rabbit, bird's catou .... ______ (add his name), which is offered by Sev of Light for his greatest goodness thank you."
    For your plants
    Take the water bottle, the watering can ...
    And say
    "I now receive healing quantum water, suitable for watering my plants that is offered by Sev de Lumière for their greatest good thank you."
    Good night
    PS: this does not replace your doctor or your medical treatment !!!